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Duke Park neighbor survey


Recently, the DPNA board sent out an informal survey to gather information about the concerns and wishes of residents regarding the neighborhood association.

The survey results are attached as a PDF. Thanks to all who responded!

The main concerns were speeding/traffic, Duke Park upkeep and crime. The greatest interest in new initiatives were in cleanups, clothing/book swaps, regular food drives and Sponsor a Family.

Many people indicated that they would be willing to volunteer in certain capacities, from communicating to city government to distributing newsletters and new neighbor kits. That was good news.

Many people suggested that a better system for tracking membership be inplemented and the board is working on that immediately.

DPNA will sponsor two events- a cleanup of the park and Roxboro street sidewalks on Sat, Nov.12 at 8:30am. We have volunteers to pick up supplies from keep Durham beautiful. We will also have a canned food drive during the sale of luminarias and at the holiday party. We need a volunteer to coordinate with a local food bank and deliver the food. Is it You? Please let a board member know if it is.

Please let the board know also if there are new neighbors on your block- we have a small "new neighbor kit" that we can drop off to welcome them to Duke Park.

If you would like to host a clothing or book swap- let us know!!

The DPNA board welcomes any and all ideas for neighborhood activities.


File attachments: 
PDF icon Duke Park Neighbor survey.pdf629.46 KB